Here I reviewed another blog called Learning about Business Management with Lemons. It really brings us back to an simple idea about lemonade stand. Just like the article states," cliche aside, a lemonade stand truly is the first step that kids take into the world of business management and entrepreneurship". This article really brings a good point about as people grow older, people tend to end up with an complicated business. It is not like opening up a lemonade stand where is just a simple business where you add a few things to make an lemonade and create a successful business. In this small lemonade business, you learn to adapt to the environment according to the weather and you learn how to be friendly and communicate with your potential customers. Highly recommend for readers to read and get back to the basic.
" When life gives you lemon, you make lemonade."
The last blog I reviewed was about The Reality of Chinese Micro-blogging. I choose to review this blog post is because due to the rights citizens have in their country, they might not have a voice in what they want to say in a blog. It is also affecting whether a business will want to have their firms in China. Sina weibo is short of like twitter, but the difference is on Sina weibo, there is over 1000 employees who monitors and censors what is being said on the mircro-blog. Not only the company itself employs workers, the communist party also highers employees to make sure Sina weibo of the world is following guidelines.This article gives a good example about what the message is. It is one if your landlord says "no pets," even though you think no one has a right to restrict your ability to live with your beloved Labrador, then you choose. I will live there with Daisy and risk being evicted, or look for another place to live. And so it is with living and doing business in China. People are not willing to have presence in China because people don't like the politics and how the citizens are treated in China. But if companies want to be in China, then you must respect your host and the rules of the games they develop.
After reading the first blog, would you say that the person writing it didn't really write it themselves because you, as the reader, had no clue where the information was coming from? As a blogger, it is very important to not cross the lines between writing and plagiarism. With all of the information that is available on the it can be very easy to cross that line. Did either of the other two blogs you read have the same problem as the first? Were things given credit as they should have been?
ReplyDeleteI think he didn't write it himself, I just think he copied and paste some of the materials. One point I found interesting is the blog he is writing is very similar to what we are learning in MGMT 605 class. The authors of the other two blogs were being credible. As a management major, did you find the blog about "Learning about Business Management with Lemons" interesting?
DeleteI did find the blog to be interesting. It talked about a lot of useful things for management majors. Not only that, I think that the blog would be useful for many people and not just management majors because every job and company has to do with business and management.
DeleteActually the "Developing Management Skills: Managing Stress" blog has many parts. The section that you reviewed was the second part. In the first part he states he will review material from "Developing Management Skills published by Pearson, written by David Whetten and Kim Cameron," a textbook that he read and enjoyed. It is the same textbook that we are reading in Management 605.
ReplyDeleteI did enjoy the blog with the lemons. It was a simplified view of starting a business. Although it does make managing a business sound easy, it should give us motivation to dig deep. If children can run a lemonade stand, us as adults with a college education, can go far beyond that.
I know that China is a Conservative country. Everything that is exposing to the public need to be monitored of making sure it is positive and nothing is bad about the political in China. As a blogger, I think its very limited of what to or can write in China as compared to the US.
ReplyDeleteI think in terms of blogging, people won't have an limit on what they can write but there are programs in China tracking sensitive words and you might be asked to visit a police station if the government thinks you are doing harm to China.
DeleteThe last blog that you reviewed reminds me that something happened not long ago in my hometown Guangzhou, China. The governor in Canton was trying to ban Cantonese news on TV and not allowing students speak Cantonese at schools. A lot of Cantonese went to the City Hall of Guangzhou (the capital city of Canton) to protest against the ban. Couple of the leaders was put in jail by the police. I was shock and still cannot believe it that Cantonese people cannot have Cantonese news on TV at home. And we can take Cantonese class in the U.S! What an irony? No wonder so many people want to escape from China.
ReplyDeleteI didn't hear about the news but I would also be shock about not allowing students to speak Cantonese at school. Although I agree Mandarin is the official language of China, I don't think some dialect should be ban and only focus on what is consider to be the "official" language.